A downloadable Mega Drive Game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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About Hayato's Journey

Hayato's Journey is a SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis homebrew game that works like an unofficial spiritual sucessor of Kenseiden, a cult-classic SEGA Master System game. 

Hayato's Journey is the first full SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis game powered by the Scorpion Engine by earok.


Hayato is the last descendent of the Great Hayato, a legendary member of the Dragon family that fight against the evil Warlock centuries ago. On this battle, Great Hayato recovered the 5 Secret Scrolls and the Sacred Sword of the Dragon King. 

On this journey, the Evil Warlock called Yonensai, returned from the Demon World searching for vengeance annihilating the remaining Dragon family descendents. Hayato, equipped with the Sword of the Dragon King, cross the land dominated by Evil Entities, Warlocks and Wicked Beasts to revenge his master, killed by the Evil Warlock henchmen and also to save his beloved Sakura that was kidnaped by the Yonensai, the evil Warlock itself.


Developed by: Master Linkuei

Music by: Edmo Caldas

Powered by: Scorpion Engine by earok

If you like my projects, please consider supporting my patreon:



Kenseiden is a trademark of SEGA.

This is a fan game not affiliated with SEGA. It doesn't contain any pre-existing or reverse-engineered code from the original game. Since it's a fan game, it also use assets from other games like: 

Actraiser, Revenge of the Shinobi, Shinobi III, Super Empire Strikes Back, Kabuki Z, Willow and more...


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Hayato's Journey v1_0.bin 4 MB


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Meu amigo que jogo sensacional!

Adorei a jogabilidade e realmente as fases têm uma continuidade ótima!

Percebi que vc resgatou muitos chefes do primeiro jogo, o que me fez sentir falta de dois que trariam sentido novamente, no caso a vespa gigante (mãe das lagartas azuis que aparecem no jogo) e a grande caveira azul, elas poderiam ter entrado como mini-boss, porém adorei os outros chefes colocados nesse.

Uma outra crítica é o Yonensai, achei a primeira parte dele mais fácil do que os demais, porém a dinâmica de arrancar a cabeça foi muito bem pensada!

É uma pena que essa engine não tem um porte bom para o Master System.

Em geral, excelente! Espero um Kenseiden 3 =D

Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado!!!
Acompanhe o meu X (antigo Twitter) e siga o meu patreon para mais!
(Estou desenvolvendo uma adaptação do Crime City para o Mega Drive)


Very good game. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New Mega Drive/Genesis Games from October 2023 to 2024" video along with all the other newly released Mega Drive/Genesis games.

Thanks a lot for the support!!!


Hello! I come from the r/3dsqrcodes community on Reddit. We take retro ROMs and make the available to play on the 3DS. We had a request for this game. Would it be okay if we post it on the community? We do not pay, as we make no money. We can link your page here  and suggest they donate if they like it. Is that okay with you? If not, we fully understand and will respect your wishes. Please let us know! Thank you!


Sure, no problem!

(5 edits) (+1)

The game has now made it to the world's largest game fair as one of the best releases of the last 12 months! We showed it to an enthusiastic audience on the stage of the Retro Area at Gamescom 2024 in Cologne. You can watch the video here starting at 00:15:45. English subtitles are also available here. 🙂


Thanks a LOT for the support, guys!!


I hear great things, but I can't seem to get PayPal to work here...

You can download the game without doing a PayPal donation.


I scrolled down shortly after sending my message and found that out, but thanks, anyways.  Nice game!  I'm a fan of the original.


It's okay, i checked on my Paypal account (i already sent you i don't remember when for Winjdammers) and you should have received 20 + 5 $ counting Windjammers ;)

I will search for some idea if you want to remake a game on MD.

The best should be if we could have a program for 32X, we could make some almost arcade feeling thanks to the capacity of that support. Like an Outrun or Turbo Outrun but with a better zoom effect when you ride etc.

Thanks a lot man, but i dont made the Windjammers port lol
Windjammers MD was made by another Dev.

I would love to develop for my beloved 32X!!


Mate, i already downloaded it but i sincerely want to give you a little something for it. I got no idea why Paypal doesn't work here... If you got another... System than Paypal (or another paypal account) you can send it to me on PM /

You sincerely deserve it and it was my top 3 master system game with Wonder Boy III and Shinobi II / III (i can't choose between the two haha). 

I feel embarassed to download without giving you what you deserve (i will retry in another way)

Thanks for your dedication Linkuei! That one is a true masterpiece, You kept the global ambiance of it, i love the sound remaster, graphisms, the Kenseiden true feeling with a better playability, new moves etc.

Thanks for all and i wish you the best !

I'm really glad that you liked my friendo!!


wow ..BRAVO man very nice. Amazing game. love the voices.  Truley belongs with the original Sega mega drive/genesis catalog. Thank you for such a great game.  Keep up the great work.

Thanks a lot, i'm really glad that you liked it!!!


Greetings Master Linkuei,

we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #003 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.

We loved your work, and we have featured "Hayato's Journey" in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


Deleted 192 days ago

We have contacted you via mail 😇You might want to remove your contact information to prevent spam:)


(2 edits) (+1)

Awesome game and for sure one of the best since "Revenge of Shinobi" series with damn good graphics and sound that shows once again that the Mega Drive isn't dead yet. Our German-language preview can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:38:36. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂


Thanks for the support!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

I just watched SLX's review of this on YT. Haven't played yet but this looks incredible! I admire the skill and creativity on display to make this. Thank you Master Linkuei!!!!!!

Thanks a lot my friend!!!



Hi bro, very nice work i've always wondered why there wasn't Kenseiden sequel on Megadrive... It's always been my favorite MS exclusive game.

I will wait for download as at the moment it's impossible to pay due to a website error (hope they will correct it soon i'm hurry to try the game!)

Hey man, Thanks a lot!!
You dont need to pay to play the game, just click on "no thanks, just take me to the downloads"
Have Fun!!!


It's a play video.

Thanks a lot!!!



Thanks for the video!


Many thanks for this, here is my tribute...

Nice thumb man!


Mandarei por Pix , como faço depois para pegar o jogo ?

Pode pegar o jogo via download sem mandar PIX lol


Excellent game! Truly a graphical marvel, congratulations! I have just finished it, and I am amazed that games of this calibre are still being made for the mega drive. If I could make but two suggestions for improvement, it would be that it would be nice if the music did not loop when pausing and that at least the zap weapon could be effective against the bosses. I kept saving my resources but ended the game with max arrows and around 9 zaps that went unused! Thank you very much!

Thanks for playing my game!


I am writing this second comment after having played a deep game session. The product is beautiful and competent and, perhaps, it is one of the best games developed so far with the Scorpion Engine. I just wanted to ask one thing; would it be possible to give the possibility in case of death (at least against the end-of-level bosses) of not having to start everything over from the beginning? At least against the bosses it would be convenient to start over against them in case of death. When I got to the second boss I still wanted to play but having to redo everything at each death made me give up and turn off, too bad!

Do you tried to increase the lifes and continues at options screen? If i make a way to still continue after all the life and continues gone, the game will turn even easier and i dont think this can be fun at all lol


how do i play the game? its just a .bin file...


This is a Genesis rom image. You will need to run it in a Sega Genesis emulator or via flashcard on hardware.


Thanks, I got it. I was just confused because most Genesis roms are a different file extension. Appreciate it!

Use a SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis emulator or a flash card to play on real hardware. 



In addition to complimenting the game, I wanted to inform you that I made a small donation that ITCH.IO for some reason is holding on hold. I would appreciate it if my money went to the programmer of this video game.

Thank you!

Thanks a lot!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Looks awesome!!

Thanks a lot!


Rapaz está demais! O que posso dizer? Obrigado pela dedicação e por nos entregar, gratuitamente essas pérolas para o Mega Drive, e até confesso que "pendia" para o SNES. Só depois de conhecer vcs, através do Fatal Fury One, que descobri as capacidades incríveis do Mega Drive. Mais uma vez parabéns e obrigado! Fico satisfeito em contribuir. Podem contar comigo!

Valeu demais irmão!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for this amazing game.


Yey thanks for the video!!





Thank You!!


Whatta game !!! Pure slashem. congrats and thanks to the author Master Linkuei.

Thanks you for the support, Sega Zone!!!


Se ve espectacular, gran trabajo y encima gratis!

Felicitaciones desde Argentina ;)


Gracias amigo


tentei fazer doação pelo paypal, mas paypal BR não paga em dólar, cria umn link de doação em reais!!!!!
Mas consegui entrar como patreon!!!! ajuda igual! parabéns!

Valeu Maddruga!!!


lol - and now it doesn't look like I can donate in anything BUT R$. It just sits on the payment screen and doing nothing: (

ouch. lol

I think now its fixed!



Espero que goste!


Você e os outros devs brasileiros tão carregando o Mega Drive nas costas!

Se fossem gringos fazendo essas coisas, certeza que estariam falando em tudo que é site especializado e até no Digital Foundry, mas como estamos na América do Sul... já viu como eles enxergam a gente.


Muito obrigado Tony!!



Can't wait for your SEGA Mega Drive - Street Fighter 1 Remake!!


Seu profissionalismo e competência brilharam neste projeto. Parabéns pelo excelente resultado!” “Muito obrigada por toda a dedicação! Seu trabalho fez toda a diferença. Master Linkuei. Edmo Caldas.Scorpion Engine by earo



Agradeço demais pelas palavras, Robert. Espero que se divirta com o game!